Monday, November 22, 2010

today I am

Happy that 4 kids under the age of 3 are currently sleeping peacefully in the house. The dresser fell over on some climbers earlier, I was reprimanded for my poor skills in making PBand J, but now all is good.

Fina is almost running now, taking after big sis in the daredevil department. We got pictures last week at Sears and the photographer assumed that Fina was our 'difficult' baby-well that is most definitely not true. She is 'difficult' to diaper and cloth but all else is filled with ease. And of course "Frances" as she prefers to be called this week had difficult moments, but we like to believe that that means she will never let anyone walk all over her or be quiet when it's time to share an opinion. And boy oh boy did "Frances" love to pose for the camera! Perhaps she will be a model and share her wealth with her old parents.

The holidays are approaching and for "Frances" that means trading in blue paci for some Barbies with Santa Clause. I've been contemplating the fact that we are associating something so negative with Santa, but I really don't want to be the one to take the blame. So, yes, the heavy will lie on Santa.

The Backyardigans are in our background constantly these last few weeks. I am constantly amazed at Gretchen's memory. She seems to be able to recite whole shows after only seeing a few. Same with books. And dear Fina is already pretending to read and turning pages like a pro. We are happily raising readers and glad to pass on one of the great joys in life.

Friday, November 5, 2010

October 2010

Cannot believe how incredibly fast life goes by with children in our lives. Yesterday I finally got around to unloading all the videos from our flip cam from this year. Fina was just a tiny little thing only a short time ago, lying in her swing just quietly watching everybody. Now she is crawling all over everything, up stairs, under tables. She eats everything in sight. She has had a few poops with sequins and happy face stickers! Early this year Gretchen still had hardly any hair. She was talking a lot at the beginning of the year, but now her vocabulary is crazy. The other day she told me she was gradually going to go down the stairs and that she wanted to find the camoflaged salamander.

Halloween was only a few days ago and both girls went as pink batman. G loves batman from playing with some toys of Eric's. We were looking at costumes online one day and saw the pink batman costume, which of course her cheap mama would never buy, so we made one instead. I made the shirt and cape and Eric made an awesome very very tiny belt for her. Fina wore a very similar costume and had a blast trick or treating at Living History Farms with our friend Allison and through Nana's neighborhood with Ben and Vivi and Luke(who was Batman)

Gretchen walks on air when I pick her up from preschool. She's getting a little better at telling us what goes on there. We just finished swimming class for both of the girls. Gretchen actually lets the teacher hold her now:) and she can start to kick and move her arms at the same time. Fina does not care one bit if her head goes under water and she absolutely loves to splash. We were 'excused' from class one day after G puked in the water. This has happened twice to us. The entire class gets cancelled. Most of the other parents say they don't mind..blah blah, but I've never seen it happen to anyone else. The girls didn't mind though, except for the time that we got the whole family dressed and realized that class didn't start until the next week. It's becoming apparent that mama can't be trusted to know the exact day that events take place.