Thursday, June 17, 2010

someone left the cake out in the rain

So we've been following our fearless leader-Gretchen and trying to make different kinds of cakes for 'happy birthday father's day' Gretchen and our friend Luke like to stir and help measure and sing 'stir it bake it...milk for the batter milk for the batter' from the Maurice Sendak book which I really hate, but isn't that how it goes? Yesterday we made spice cake and upon mixing we added a little 'ginger' in the form of Gretchen's hair getting caught in the mixer.

Gretchen did not panic too much and to be quite honest my words of 'don't move' while I found the scissors were tinged a little with....'man I hope this doesn't ruin the cake'

She is quite the daredevil and rather fearless which we both try to embrace as much as we can. So jumping on the couch and bed is allowed in our house. Climbing to the tops of really high playground ladders is also allowed. I don't want her to be afraid of anything and at the same time I want her to realize her limits on her own without me constantly standing over her shoulder and waiting for something bad to happen. She can handle it. We don't let her run into traffic or eat poison(germs, bacteria are just fine) but we do let her explore her world on her own terms. And I don't want her to grow up thinking that she should be scared or constantly worried about terrible things, because in truth terrible things do happen and we deal with them but there aren't as many as the media or well-meaning people might lead us to believe.

So the cake was good even though it may have had a few hairs in it.

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