There's been a lot of quiet around our house lately. Two girls who are constantly playing with one another. Playing with their stuffed animals, having them take naps, or taking them to the doctor. ALWAYS changing outfits and putting on shows and asking to be introduced...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, introducing Gretchen Axness and her little sister Fina Lind. They come running out of the room(unless Fina is overcome with stagefright) to perform their dance moves for us. We got a mini couch the other day and you'd have thought that we spent a million dollars. They got all of their blankets, insisted on taking their nap on it together. They are true best friends, and of course at times worst enemies who "I do not want to be your friend anymore" One of my best memories of childhood is my brothers and I off playing together making up all sorts of fantastical stories. They seem to understand one another very well. They know how to make the other one really angry and really happy. The other day they teamed up against me screaming that they didn't like me anymore. I know they love me-even when I scream a bit too much-as I hope they know I love them-when they do insane things. Today we went to a bouncy house spot and it was the first time they went off together to play. One of my friends says this is the stage of life where I get to become a 'bench' mom, since no one needs constant supervision or assistance as much. Lovely ladies for sure! So glad they will have each other the rest of their lives.