Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesdays with Fina

Every Tuesday Gretchen heads of to pre-k while Fina and I get some special time just the two of us.  The last few years she's been mostly a prop in the cart while I grocery shop or napping in the car.  Now-almost 3! she has a lot to say.  Fina's been talking for quite a while now, but when her sister isn't around she cannot stop talking!  We go to Baby Mama Drama, the zoo, the park, the mall.  She is a little Gretchen mimic at all of these places..coins in the water, elevator, escalator repeat.  Of course her own uniquely Fina as well-accusing babies of wrong doings, knowing exactly which establishments have the best cookies, and yelling 'too tight, too tight' when we hug her too much.  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fina is going through something...being 2?  teething?  worries about the economy?  Whatever it is she is not her usual self of happy, bubbly, full of armor girl.  She has spent much of the past week or so lying on the floor in frustration over Pretty Ponies, cookies that are the wrong shape, colors that are green-not blue, storybook words that say 'wagon' not cart, pictures of small doors that are unnerving because no one could possibly fit through them, and diapers that absolutely positively do not need changed.  It's tough being the youngest, but she quite often hangs in there climbing up the tallest bouncy house ladder on her own to go down the tallest bouncy house slide you have ever seen.  Crying yesterday because I would not take her down again the twirly, TOO tall water slide at the pool that scares the holy heck out of me.  SHE would have gone on forever.  This is the thing about Fina, when she finds something she loves she does it over and over.  Painting, drawing, anything texture-y is her thing.  Love that she is surrounded by people who can comfort her (including her big sis) as she goes through this 2-ish thing of hers.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

we work out

Every day this summer has been filled from morning to afternoon with doing things and seeing people.  Exhausting?  yes.  Fun?  an even bigger yes.  Last week was Living History Farms and visiting friends and of course Nana.  Today we saw cousins and a magician at the library.   I'm longing for a day where we just stay home and hang out and get dirty in the back yard.  The curious nature of these two is astounding to me to watch-at home or away in an organized event.  They want to learn, want to practice, want to ask questions and constantly figure things out.  They WANT to move their bodies in new and interesting ways.  Just got me to philosophizing a bit about where this goes.  I long to sit on the couch and relax-they long to jump off the couch or do standing push ups on the side of the couch.  They are seeing and experiencing brand new things every day and they take it in like crazy absorbent sponges.  Staying home or going out.  It's really fascinating as an educator(former?) to see this all first hand.  Beyond a doubt they have made me appreciate the world a little more and want to experience and try new things.  Still enjoy relaxing on the couch whenever I can though!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Union Park..two blocks from our house and there almost every day.  Swim/snack/carousel-repeat.  Girls love to ride at least 3 or 4 times and would probably stay on it longer if their parents didn't get so dizzy riding along. But, yes they are nearly big enough to ride the carousel without a parent.  Cliche' but true-they are growing up very fast.  Here they are with daddy and he is a good one.  Gretchen uses daddy as her baba and holds him and rubs his neck when she is sleepy.  Fina nearly jumps out of her skin when daddy gets home at the end of the day.  They both have two parents who put it a great amount of effort to care and be close to them.  Quite lucky girls!  

Time to go play 'dragon wife and husband' in the front yard now.  Weirdos for sure.  Not sure where they get that!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


There's been a lot of quiet around our house lately.  Two girls who are constantly playing with one another.  Playing with their stuffed animals, having them take naps, or taking them to the doctor.  ALWAYS changing outfits and putting on shows and asking to be introduced...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, introducing Gretchen Axness and her little sister Fina Lind.  They come running out of the room(unless Fina is overcome with stagefright) to perform their dance moves for us.  We got a mini couch the other day and you'd have thought that we spent a million dollars. They got all of their blankets, insisted on taking their nap on it together.  They are true best friends, and of course at times worst enemies who "I do not want to be your friend anymore"   One of my best memories of childhood is my brothers and I off playing together making up all sorts of fantastical stories.  They seem to understand one another very well.  They know how to make the other one really angry and really happy.  The other day they teamed up against me screaming that they didn't like me anymore.  I know they love me-even when I scream a bit too much-as I hope they know I love them-when they do insane things.  Today we went to a bouncy house spot and it was the first time they went off together to play.  One of my friends says this is the stage of life where I get to become a 'bench' mom, since no one needs constant supervision or assistance as much.  Lovely ladies for sure!  So glad they will have each other the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gretchen is growing up.  Soccer!  She follows the ball but does not understand that teams play against each other.  It's all for fun and we are happy for her!  She fits dance moves into her running and is quite fast!  Got a new bike that definitely requires a helmet.  As you can see her fashion sense is quite grown up as well.  Mixing patterns is in, just ask Mondo on Project Runway.  She can belt herself into the booster seat as well. I carried her in from the car today because she was so sleepy after a big morning of ice cream and park with her best friend Maddie.  My heart ached for her every moment when she was just a tiny baby and I can't believe this gangly girl whose full of crazy personality (look it's a dogpole as she's holding a stuffed dog with a sock over it's back side)  Time goes fast with children and I crave to cherish every moment and most of the time I do.  We've heard it's like having your heart outside your body when you have children, I guess I'm glad she'll have that helmet on when she's out and about because her dad and I and so many people love her so, so very much!