Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our dear Fina

One year old today! Dear jelly bean I am so happy you are here and growing and so so perfect. We had moments of worry before you were born that everything would be ok and now sometimes I look at you and am just speechless and beyond amazed. You want to be just like big sis, you eat as if you enjoy nothing else, you laugh when I tell you no, you fight us like crazy when we try to put a clean diaper on or dress you. Here you are with us full of personality and of course the FEDG charisma! Lately you love to pretend that you are putting your own clothes on. You like to wear a tiara and go 'ah ah ah' around the house. You DEMAND that we read books to you and often pretend to do it on your own. You are a master puker as any of your family will attest to. We thought Gretchen was fearless, but you seem to take it to a whole new level. My blog has had a few lists in it and here are just a few of the things you dear Fina Fina have done to scare us half out of our minds
take knives out of the dishwasher and walk around
hold a fork next to an open electrical outlet next to the cat's watering dish
eaten more cat food then I care to actually estimate
tried to eat a screw
sneezed out an apple sticker
pooped out stickers, tinkerbell's shoe, and a button
sit in the middle of the pile of detritus I have just swept and started eating
got stuck behind the toilet
played in the toilet water
Oh my oh my I could really go on here. You keep us on our toes always. I think it may be your way of making sure that we know you are here. And dear girl, we know you are here. We couldn't feel more happy, lucky, blessed, and honored that you are here:)